👉 If you missed the previous part, check out Part III.

🚀 K8s Project - Creating a Deployment with Kubernetes - Part IV

Now that we’ve set up our Kind cluster and Docker registry, it’s time to get to the exciting part: creating a deployment. In this post, we’ll walk through how to deploy your Dockerized application to Kubernetes using a local cluster and test it out. Ready? Let’s go!

🏗️ Step 1: Push Your Docker Image to the Registry

First up, we need to make sure that our Docker image is pushed to the local registry.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Tag the Docker image:

     docker tag my-static-website localhost:5000/my-static-website
  2. Push the tagged image to your local registry:

     docker push localhost:5000/my-static-website

    If it works, you should see something like:

     Using default tag: latest
     The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/my-static-website]
     fc3d5e2745da: Layer already exists
     af19c9fda5c9: Layer already exists
     9c748015f5b4: Layer already exists
     347076dd9c82: Layer already exists
     031c892f6794: Layer already exists
     baca49726296: Layer already exists
     98591063c9e4: Layer already exists
     86aa2ad58202: Layer already exists
     16113d51b718: Layer already exists
     latest: digest: sha256:a8a257ac5996ebbba7cc7893233fec86137cb3168a037eee9358731de4a96be8 size: 2196

Now, your image is safely tucked away in your local Docker registry, and Kubernetes will be able to use it in our deployment. 🎉

📜 Understanding Kubernetes Manifests

Before we dive into creating our deployment, let’s take a moment to understand Kubernetes manifests. Kubernetes uses YAML files, known as manifests, to define and manage resources like deployments, services, and more. These manifests act as the blueprint for the resources you want to create.

When you define a manifest, you’re essentially describing the configuration of a resource. In this case, we’re creating a deployment manifest that will ensure the right number of pods (which run our application containers) stay up and running.

Let’s create a blank manifest for the deployment using kubectl. This command will generate the YAML we need:

kubectl create deployment myks8project --image=localhost:5000/my-static-website --dry-run=client --output=yaml > deployment.yaml

This command generates a deployment manifest in YAML format but doesn’t apply it yet (thanks to the --dry-run=client flag). It outputs the YAML to a file called deployment.yaml. Let’s open that file and take a look.

📦 Step 2: Create the Kubernetes Deployment Manifest

Now that we’ve generated the basic manifest, we can take a closer look at its structure. The deployment manifest contains several important components:

  • apiVersion: Specifies the API version (apps/v1) that defines the deployment object.
  • kind: Tells Kubernetes the type of resource we’re creating—in this case, a Deployment.
  • metadata: Includes fields like the name and labels for the deployment, helping Kubernetes identify it.
  • spec: Defines the desired state of the Deployment, such as the number of replicas and the container configuration.

The manifest also includes labels that act as selectors to associate pods with the deployment. This allows us to find the pods easily using label selectors.

Here’s what the deployment.yaml file might look like:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: myks8project
  name: myks8project
  replicas: 1
      app: myks8project
  strategy: {}
        app: myks8project
      - image: localhost:5000/my-static-website
        name: my-static-website
        resources: {}
status: {}

This is a basic deployment manifest. As we go further, you can customize it by adding more fields, such as environment variables or resource limits.

🌐 Step 3: Apply the Deployment Manifest

With our deployment manifest ready, it’s time to apply it and create the actual deployment in our Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Apply the deployment:

     kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  2. Verify the deployment by listing the pods associated with it:

     kubectl get pods -l app=myks8project

    The -l flag filters the pods by their label, specifically those associated with our myks8project deployment. If you see a running pod, that’s it! Your deployment is live and well.

    You should see something like this:

     NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     myks8project-79cd67c7cc-zd9h7   1/1     Running   0          26m

    Make sure the status is Running, otherwise something is wrong.

🔄 Understanding Key Parts of the Manifest

Now that our deployment is live, let’s revisit some key concepts:

  • Replicas: Defines the number of identical pods you want Kubernetes to maintain. Our deployment creates one replica by default, but you can scale this up or down.

  • Selectors: Allow you to target and identify resources by their labels. We used the label app=myks8project to find all pods associated with this deployment.

  • Template: Under spec.template, we define the pod template, including the container image, name, and ports.

🌐 Step 4: Forward Ports to Access the Application

Now that our app is up and running in a pod, we need a way to access it. We can do this using kubectl port-forward, which works similarly to Docker’s -p or --publish option. This will map a port from our local machine to a port inside the pod running our application.

Run the following command to forward the port:

kubectl port-forward deployment/myks8project 8080:80

Let’s break that down:

  • We’re forwarding the port from our deployment named myks8project.
  • 8080:80 means we’re forwarding port 8080 on our local machine to port 80 inside the pod (since port 80 is where the website runs inside the container).

If you see messages like this:

Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

it means the forwarding has started successfully.

🎉 Step 5: Access the Application Locally

Finally, let’s test the deployment! Open your browser and head to:


You should now see your Hello World!!! website running locally, courtesy of Kubernetes! 🎉

🌟 Final Thoughts

And there you have it! You’ve successfully deployed your Dockerized application into a Kubernetes cluster, verified that it’s running, and accessed it locally. This setup not only gets your app up and running quickly but also prepares you for larger-scale deployments down the road.

Stay tuned for more as we continue to build out our Kubernetes project and explore the endless possibilities of cloud-native development!

See you in the Part V.